
Gabba Gabba Goo Goo!

One of my favorite blogs to follow is Adeline's Daddy, this daddy ROCKS! And so does this series of rockin lullaby CD's I came across on his blog.

Tired of the same old boring lullabys? Why not rock your sweetie to sleep with Weezer's Buddy Holly?

Looking for some 80's influence? Pick up some Bon Jovi or Guns N Roses.

So far I've added Coldplay, The Cure, and the Ramones to Rylie's collection and am looking forward to getting Pearl Jam next! I'd just be hesitant to sing my baby to sleep to Kanye West's Gold Digger though.

In all there are a total of 40 CD's. Check them out on Amazon.com or on rockabyebabymusic.com

1 comment:

  1. I'm just now reading your posts...

    I just picked up The Flaming Lips and Weezer for myself from the library! I agree, they're awesome!

